1.the shit that high people talk about thats funny as shit but they forget when they are sober
2.whats goin on wit real artists who spit real shit
3.what the government is really exposing and doing to our community
4.the latest info about your fav celebs
5.sum real shit for sum real kick heads.hip hop junkies..kush loving..college classes ditchn individuals lmao

WIZ dick riders!!!!!

WIZ dick riders!!!!!
OK soo i been listening to this nigga since name on a cloud and been on his shit since always knowing he was my favorite rapper but never really thinking he would turn into a trend first it was tattoos now its every1 and there stepmom smokes weed and now everybody is ON WIZ!!! if you really fuck wit wiz then maxx respect but if you jus downloaded any song that had his name in it only really know the words to KUSH AND OJ then shut the fuck up and fuck wit another rapper becus ON REAL FUCKS WIT REAL AND YOU LOOKN PRETTY FAKE!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So who remembers that music video "how does it feel" with d'angelo naked the whole video edging the camera more and more down his crotch but never giving up the good darn you television restrictions. Well as monumental as that video was, what happend to D'angelo? Well he got a little crazy on drugs and the hollywood lifestyle so he left the scene wanting to be a true artist instead of a industry puppet. He is suppose to be coming back with a new song and sexy music video lets see how this works out for him.

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